Latest News
Parklands High School Connects: Teacher Time
Dear Parent/Carer
A reminder for our Meet the Teacher Night next Wednesday, March 27, from 4:30pm to 6:00pm. Please complete the link, so we can plan for catering:
This year, we're offering a fun and relaxed format to help you connect with your child's teachers and learn more about their learning journey.
- Student Guides: Our awesome student leaders will be showing you the way to your child's grade level area.
- Grade Level Catchups: Meet your child's teachers and their grade-level team in a central location within the grade's area. This provides a chance for focused discussions about curriculum, expectations, and your child's progress.
- Student Work on Display: Teachers will be showcasing recent student work, giving you a peek into classroom activities and student achievements.
- Bring your Child: Parklands believes when there is conversations about a student that they should be present for this. This allows the school, parent and learner to connect, resulting in the student feel more supported, as well as, having greater clarity on our expectations.
Light refreshments and food will be available for students and parents from 5:00pm onwards in Grade Areas.
We're looking forward to a great evening! Please call the office on 6464 0600 for further information.
Magella Dudley
Book and Uniform Sales 2025
Updated - End of Year Assemblies, Grade Activities and School Picnic
Dear Parents and Carers,
Please take the time to read the letter attached containing important information for End of Year Assemblies, Grade Activities and School Picnic. Please disregard the last email as there was an error with an Assembly time.
Updated - End of Year Arrangements Letter 2023.pdf
Magella Dudley
‘Student Dress Code and Uniform’ Policy Review
Dear Parents/ Carers, Staff, Students and Community members,
We are fortunate to be part of a school community that values and takes great pride in all aspects of school life at Parklands. Our values of Respect, Responsibility, Growth, Courage and Connection are embedded within our school culture and are reflected in and upheld by students, staff and our greater school community. One aspect of this is the pride we have in our school uniform, reflecting our identity and sense of belonging.
Our schools ‘Student Dress Code and Uniform Policy’ is developed by the Parklands High School Association which represents parents, carers and our school community. The policy is aligned to the requirements in the Department of Education’s Education Act 2016 and considers appropriate and practical items for the daily work undertaken in the school environment, whilst also preparing our young people for the workforce.
Uniforms are an important part of any school, as highlighted in the Department for Education, Children and Young People expectations and policy. As stated, student dress code and uniform have a number of important functions, including:
- Promote a shared sense of school identity helping your child feel like they belong in their school
- Promote equality with all students
- Ensure your child is dressed in appropriate clothing for a range of school activities
- Assist staff with safety, by making students easily identifiable when outside or within the community
- Encourage students to take pride in their appearance and prepare for workplace expectations
- Promote and strengthen the profile and identity of the school and its students within the broader community
Our last review of our ‘Student Dress Code and Uniform’ Policy was in 2019 and amended in 2021. The Parklands High School Association has priorities this policy for review in 2024. We are therefore seeking input from students, parents/carers, staff and community members in relation to the policy review and invite you to complete the survey below reflecting your thoughts on the current uniform and suggestions in relation to any changes that would have a positive impact on our students and their learning. The survey is open from now until 5:00pm Friday 16 August 2024.
Below is a summary of our current uniform. A full copy of the policy is available on our school website -
Whilst the policy is under review students are expected to continue to wear the correct uniform aligned to our current policy. Any changes to the school uniform and an updated policy document will be shared with the school community once it has been approved and ratified by the Parklands High School Association.
Cynthia Chappell, School Association Chair
Magella Dudley, Principal
Uniform Expectations
The Everyday uniform consists of the following items. Items with school logo and shirts are available from the school:
- Black shorts (½ the length of upper leg with pockets), trousers or jeans. No stripes, logos or tears
- Blue dress shirt
- Black socks
- School shell jacket
- Black shoes and laces
- Plain black- or navy-coloured thermals under shirts during Terms 2 & 3 (optional)
- NO HOODIES, SHORT SHORTS or TIGHTS (including skins and compression shorts)
- Summer dress (blue and white check) or winter tartan skirt
- Black trousers, jeans, or shorts (½ the length of upper leg with pockets). No stripes, logos, or tears
- Blue dress shirt
- Black socks or black stockings
- School shell jacket
- Black shoes and laces
- Plain black- or navy-coloured thermals under shirts during Terms 2 & 3 (optional)
- NO HOODIES, SHORT SHORTS or TIGHTS (including skins and compression shorts)
Compulsory HPE uniform HPE top with house logo
- HPE top with house logo
- Black sports shorts, sports skirt, sports tights, or track pants (no strips or logos)
- School shell jacket
- Non-marking sports shoes
- Optional – Skins or compressions shorts can be worn UNDER sports uniform
- Woollen school jumper
- House caps
- School beanie
Celebrating NAPLAN Assessments
Parklands High School celebrates the success of our students in the recent NAPLAN assessments. We extend our gratitude to our students, their caregivers, and our staff for their exceptional efforts.
Watch this video for further information -
Bianca Munday
Acting Principal
Celebrating NAPLAN assessments
Parklands High School celebrates the success of our students in the recent NAPLAN assessments. We extend our gratitude to our students, their caregivers, and our staff for their exceptional efforts.
Bianca Munday
Acting Principal
School Production ‘You’re A Good Man, CHARLIE BROWN’
One week until opening night for our school production ‘You’re A Good Man, CHARLIE BROWN’!
Have you purchased your tickets yet?!
Show Dates
Friday, September 6th 7:00pm
Saturday, September 7th 7:00pm
Friday, September 13th 7:00pm
Saturday, September 14th 1:00pm
Saturday, September 14th 7:00pm
Family tickets $50 (2x adult + 2x children)
- additional $5 per child
Adults $20
Concession $12
Child/Student $12
Book your ticket now via the link -
We look forward to seeing you there!
School Production ‘You’re A Good Man, CHARLIE BROWN’
Our school production ‘You’re A Good Man, CHARLIE BROWN’ is fast approaching, with just over 3 weeks until our first show!
Show Dates
Friday, September 6th 7:00pm
Saturday, September 7th 7:00pm
Friday, September 13th 7:00pm
Saturday, September 14th 1:00pm
Saturday, September 14th 7:00pm
Family tickets $50 (2x adult + 2x children)
- additional $5 per child
Adults $20
Concession $12
Child/Student $12
Book your ticket now via the link -
We look forward to seeing you there!
‘Student Dress Code and Uniform’ Policy Review
Dear Parents/ Carers, Staff, Students and Community members,
We are fortunate to be part of a school community that values and takes great pride in all aspects of school life at Parklands. Our values of Respect, Responsibility, Growth, Courage and Connection are embedded within our school culture and are reflected in and upheld by students, staff and our greater school community. One aspect of this is the pride we have in our school uniform, reflecting our identity and sense of belonging.
Our schools ‘Student Dress Code and Uniform Policy’ is developed by the Parklands High School Association which represents parents, carers and our school community. The policy is aligned to the requirements in the Department of Education’s Education Act 2016 and considers appropriate and practical items for the daily work undertaken in the school environment, whilst also preparing our young people for the workforce.
Uniforms are an important part of any school, as highlighted in the Department for Education, Children and Young People expectations and policy. As stated, student dress code and uniform have a number of important functions, including:
- Promote a shared sense of school identity helping your child feel like they belong in their school
- Promote equality with all students
- Ensure your child is dressed in appropriate clothing for a range of school activities
- Assist staff with safety, by making students easily identifiable when outside or within the community
- Encourage students to take pride in their appearance and prepare for workplace expectations
- Promote and strengthen the profile and identity of the school and its students within the broader community
Our last review of our ‘Student Dress Code and Uniform’ Policy was in 2019 and amended in 2021. The Parklands High School Association has priorities this policy for review in 2024. We are therefore seeking input from students, parents/carers, staff and community members in relation to the policy review and invite you to complete the survey below reflecting your thoughts on the current uniform and suggestions in relation to any changes that would have a positive impact on our students and their learning. The survey is open from now until 5:00pm Friday 16 August 2024.
Below is a summary of our current uniform. A full copy of the policy is available on our school website -
Whilst the policy is under review students are expected to continue to wear the correct uniform aligned to our current policy. Any changes to the school uniform and an updated policy document will be shared with the school community once it has been approved and ratified by the Parklands High School Association.
Cynthia Chappell, School Association Chair
Magella Dudley, Principal
Uniform Expectations
The Everyday uniform consists of the following items. Items with school logo and shirts are available from the school:
- Black shorts (½ the length of upper leg with pockets), trousers or jeans. No stripes, logos or tears
- Blue dress shirt
- Black socks
- School shell jacket
- Black shoes and laces
- Plain black- or navy-coloured thermals under shirts during Terms 2 & 3 (optional)
- NO HOODIES, SHORT SHORTS or TIGHTS (including skins and compression shorts)
- Summer dress (blue and white check) or winter tartan skirt
- Black trousers, jeans, or shorts (½ the length of upper leg with pockets). No stripes, logos, or tears
- Blue dress shirt
- Black socks or black stockings
- School shell jacket
- Black shoes and laces
- Plain black- or navy-coloured thermals under shirts during Terms 2 & 3 (optional)
- NO HOODIES, SHORT SHORTS or TIGHTS (including skins and compression shorts)
Compulsory HPE uniform HPE top with house logo
- HPE top with house logo
- Black sports shorts, sports skirt, sports tights, or track pants (no strips or logos)
- School shell jacket
- Non-marking sports shoes
- Optional – Skins or compressions shorts can be worn UNDER sports uniform
- Woollen school jumper
- House caps
- School beanie
Term 3 Sharing Evidence of Learning to Families
Dear Parent/Carer
Evidence of Learning Information
During Term 3 Parklands High School will be Communicating Learning Progress with Families. We hope this process enables parents and caregivers to talk with your child about their learning; identify strengths and their next steps to improve. Before Monday August 26, you will receive evidence of learning for the following subjects:
- HASS (Years 7 & 8)
- History (Years 9 & 10)
- Science (Years 7 & 10)
For these subjects your child will have a template that provides information on the learning task, the goals of the activity and a rubric that is aligned to their year level achievement standard. We hope this template provides context to your child’s learning and their assessment task.
Seesaw Link
This year, Parklands High School will be using the online platform Seesaw to further enhance the sharing and celebrating of student learning with families. Seesaw in a well-known, secure, educational portal for schools to share student work and communicate with families. A link for Seesaw has been provided to your email address, or you can access Seesaw by this link:
If your child doesn’t have work sample, this may be due to them being away whilst the learning activity was being completed or they didn’t provide their best effort. If you don’t receive a work sample, we encourage you to contact the teacher to discuss why.
Parent Teacher Information
Parent Teacher evenings are an important part of supporting your child’s learning. We hope by sharing with you our Parent Teacher dates that you and your family can plan on attending these meetings. These conversations on student learning are even more meaningful when the student attends. We have opened our Parent Teacher bookings for Term 3.
Parent Teacher Evening Term 3 – Wednesday August 21, 3:30pm – 6:30pm
Our teachers have worked incredibly hard this term to provide work samples for every student in HASS and Science. This is no small feat, with over 800 samples collected! I want to publicly thank our dedicated staff for their efforts.
If you have any questions about your child's learning or wellbeing, please don’t hesitate to contact their teacher through the school office at 6464 0600.
Sam Wells, Assistant Principal
Magella Dudley, Principal